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Yoga Facial Massage

Yoga Facial massage is a combination of techniques suitable to help the patient by addressing wrinkles. This massage technique promotes blood circulation and helps fluid retention through lymphatic drainage. It helps define facial profile, lifts and tones the cheeks and reduces the effects of stress on the face. This massage is indicated for patients with facial paralysis problems, in which it helps relieve muscle tension. Eliminates double chin and defines neck since this massage helps promote the production of collagen and elastin. Treatment lasts one hour, focusing 25 minutes on the face and the rest of the time distributed between the head, neck and shoulders. It is important to arrive at your appointment with a clean face and we recommend bringing a facial moisturizer of your choice. In some cases, wood therapy could be used for the face, although the majority of these massages would be done manually.
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Our location
2929 SW 3rd Ave Miami FL 33129 Suite 612, USA
Parking available in spaces 612 and visitors
Opening Hours
Mon-Fri: 9am-9pm
Sat-Sun: 8am-1pm
Phones: (786) 942-5360 / 953-4489